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Ergo II Highway Pegs for GL1800 Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: KU4056,   SKU: KU4056

I’ve often wondered whom Honda used to determine the optimum drivers seating & foot peg location? Must have been someone from their Sport Bike division! At 5’10” I’m no Wilt the stilt, but found that the basic foot peg position to be too confining and would get cramping after several hundred miles. I can’t imagine how torturous it must be for someone much taller?
These pegs, while not a perfect solution, do allow one to stretch out there legs and return blood flow. The one draw back, and it’s not Kurys fault, is that the Honda fairing is prohibitive in leg reach positioning because it’s so wide at the seat. Optional arms will allow different positioning, but increase cost.
All in all these do make long trips much more comfortable, especially when you add a drivers backrest.
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ITEM: PG32058

I purchased the New Generation set in light smoke & all pieces arrived the same color. I’m just unsure what it is that sets these apart from past offerings, other than price. Easy install, instructions have much to be desired of, very poor quality photo’s. For the asking price you’d think they could do a little better?
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Stop and Go Tubeless Tire Plugger With C02 Cartridges
ITEM CODE: TR150215,   SKU: TR150215

No one knows when the fickle finger of fate will strike and this kit certainly won’t keep all gremlins at bay. But for the price it’s nice to know that if the occasion does arise and your alone on some distant unfamiliar road this may just get you closer to a more permanent fix. Nothing worse than being stranded out in the Boonies with a 900lb unmovable machine!
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Gen 2 Chrome Fork Brace for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU7339,   SKU: KU7339

I’d been reading and researching fork braces for several years and initially thought, if Honda felt they were needed they’d be standard equipment. I was wrong! As good as the engineers who design these bikes may be, they aren’t perfect.
For starters, I’ve had 3 new Hondas over the last 10 years and all came with Dunflops. All cupped and shook like mad within 5k and could never get any warranty service on them. Very dangerous tire & wouldn’t use another if it were given to me for FREE.

After much research decided on Bridgestone’s for replacements and must say, with just over 1k on them they are fantastic. I also had the proverbial low speed issues and took the leap of faith with this fork brace. What a difference. Not so much at high speeds, but low speed handling is greatly improved. Easy install, looks great & improved handling at a reasonable price. What more could one want?
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Bridgestone Tire COMBO for GL1800 G704/G709

Didn't Honda put these on the wings sooner?
Had the Dunflops on my 2001 VTX, 2006 & 2009 Wing & had nothing but problems with cupping. 2001 & 2006 were so bad at 5k that I swapped out both frt & rear's with plenty of remaining tread depth. Just didn't feel safe on them. 2009 got 9K & should have replaced sooner, no support from Dunlop, heck I've gotten 15K out of Metz's, so sorry boys, 3 strikes and your out.
Just installed the Stones & while to early to say with absolute certainity, I'm already liking them.
Smoother ride, and better grip in the twisties.
Longevity yet to be determined, but from all research I've done appears most are very pleased with performance and tread life.
Can't put a 5 on them until I've run them to the wear bars so time will tell. Got several long trips scheduled this summer, so by end of the driving season should have a good feel for durability & performance.
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ROKKER XXR Speaker Upgrade Kit for Fairing & Rear Positions

Difficult to gauge improvement with out having another wing along side with the OE speakers.
Swapped out fronts & rears, can detect a slight difference, but jury still out until riding season begins & a more complete comparison can be made.
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Motorcycle Tire Ceramic Balancing Beads

I had these on my previous wing & was very pleased with them, so will be installing them in spring b4 the 2012 riding season.
Have them in my 08 Raider also & not a bit of problems to date.
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Chrome Footpeg Mounts for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU4544,   SKU: KU4544

Nice add on to round out the rest of the chrome side trim.
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Floorboard Covers for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU7015,   SKU: KU7015

These have no useful purpose other than to look good when the passengers floorboards are up. Just more safety chrome I guess.
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Louvered Scuff Side Covers for 2001-2010 GL1800 Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: KU3913,   SKU: KU3913

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Factory OEM LED Lighted Trunk Spoiler for GL1800 1st Gen

Humor me here. This spoiler does nothing to hold the rear of the bike firmly on the pavement at high speeds, but it does look neat & the led's add something in terms of rear end visibility.
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LED Honda Fog Lights Airbag or Non Air Bag Model Gold Wing

Loads of fun to install. Every wing owner should try it at least once.
Had the original style on my previous wing & wanted something that put a little less draw on the electrical system. Now leave these on all the time when riding and can't but help increase cager awarness. I HOPE!
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