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Honda Goldwing Motorcycle

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GT Touring Full Cover Black/Charcoal for 2018+ Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: BB4-454BC,   SKU: BB4-454BC

I've had a hard time finding a FULL cover for the Gold Wing tour. A few recommended this cover on one of the Gold Wing forums. Wingstuff had it. They shipped i... more
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HeliBars Tour Performance Handlebar Risers for 2018+ Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: HEHR01139,   SKU: HEHR01139

These were very easy to install partially because I didn’t cut and replace the decorative cover. Instead I bought a couple of covers for the exposed nuts from... more
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Bridgestone Tire COMBO for 2018+ Gold Wing G852/G853

The order was delivered promptly and correct. The only problem I have is that the front tire is new but was manufactured two years ago.
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The Most Popular Gold Wing Products of 2023

Utopia Backrest - Must Have
This is a great list of accessories for any Goldwing. My very favorite upgrade has been my utopia backrest. I had one on my 2008 and it definitely adds to my riding comfort.



10 Reasons Why I Love My Gold Wings By Rick Arnoldo

Love All Bike But Goldwings Are The Best
I have had many bikes over the years but as far back as 1990 I have been in love with the Goldwing. I bought my first Goldwing in 2008 and I really loved it. I recently bought a 2024 and although I kind of prefer the size of the 2008, I love the new technology and look of the latest Goldwing.



Rider Etiquette: The Salute

So Many Variations
I had no idea there was so many variations of waves. I usually do the low five but now I have several more to choose from. LOL



Rider Etiquette: The Hand Signals

Great Refresher
This article was a great refresher for me as I have been off the bike for a few years and have not had any need to use hand signals.



Emilio Scotto and the Longest Motorcycle Ride

Great Epic Journey
This article was very inspiring. I have been riding for more than 40 years and have not come close to even scratching the surface of this man’s accomplishments. 280+ countries, covering 500,000+ miles, I have not even made it to all 50 states. Well done!!



WingStuff Bids Farewell to GWRRA, Wing Ding & Wing World

Sad News - End of a GREAT era
I was very sad to hear that GWRRA was coming to an end. I have been to several events and met lots of great people. I was looking forward to being a part of this great group for many more years to come, but unfortunately, they are no more. Thank you for the great memories you have given so many over the years.

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