Is Honda Coming Out With A 2021 Gold Wing?

Posted In: News

Throughout the years, Honda has notoriously kept announcements firmly under lock and key. However, many riders already knew about the brand new, redesigned 2018 Gold Wing before Honda made their official announcement thanks to a slew of leaked photos. Typically, Honda shares its new model year lineup in the fall but, until now, mum's been the word for the 2021 Gold Wing. Why haven't they said anything about it? Are they skipping this model year the same way they did in 2011? Or was there simply a delay due to COVID-related issues or some other unforeseen circumstance?

While we can't say exactly WHY there has been a delay, for those of you who're planning on purchasing a brand new Wing this year and are worried your dreams won't come true....fear not. From what we have been told, expect Honda to announce the 2021 Gold Wing as early as this week or possibly the next. There will most likely be a few changes compared to the previous model years but nothing major. So no hybrid or electric version, sorry. And no Leaning Reverse Trike either.

Once the official announcement has been made, come back to where we will put together a follow up article with all the specs and updates for the 2021 Gold Wing lineup.

Until then...ride safe!

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2021 Gold Wing
Thanks for the update, I have been wondering about the 2021 Gold Wings.



'21 Wing
The reason for no '21 Wing is could be due to all the left over '19', and '20 models. I don't think this new style is flying off the shelf. Or maybe Honda is renaming it the "ST1800"



I'm OK with that.
Since I bought a new 2018 just 4 months ago I am happy to hear that. Told my wife this was the last bike I would need to buy (said that with the one before that, too) so don't want a new bike to come out that I just have to have. Not even sure what they could change that would entice me to even consider an update. Maybe in another couple of years she'll forget that "last bike" comment...



A Change is Needed
Given the feedback I received the last two years from owners of the new style - I think its time to bring back the luggage space and forget chasing BMW's K1600GT. But please feel free to go to 2500cc, please!

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New goldwing
I thought I saw Honda Europe have a launch for the 21 model or am I mistaken



The day the Wing comes in a Hybrid/Electric is the day I stop buying them



New 2021 Gold Wing or 2022 Gold Wing Color
Please bring the bright Yellow Gold Wing



Increased Luggage Space for Tour model
Right after this WingStuff article Honda announced the new Gold Wings. One improvement is the additional space by increasing the size of the trunk on the Gold Wing Tour models. This is the right thing to do because many current Gold Wing riders did not want to upgrade to the Gen6 because of the lack of luggage space.

- No Alias -


Can't Wait!!
Eagerly looking forward to this. I've been using Honda for ages, and can't wait to have this!!

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