Rollin' with Rick - Lewis Preston of Electrical Connection - Season 1 Episode 1

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WingStuff President, Rick Arnoldo, is in search of a memorable ride, some good food and great conversation with Gold Wing enthusiasts throughout the industry and beyond. This is Rollin' with Rick.

Our very first guest on Rollin' with Rick is Lewis Preston of Electrical Connection, who is no stranger to Gold Wings. He's grown up around them, worked on them, and owned one model or another since 1985 (When he rode his '84 Wing to high school). Lewis and Rick go way back. They've been great friends for over 25 years and in that time they've logged a lot of miles and made some great memories. Their shared love of all things Gold Wing makes Lewis a perfect addition to the inaugural episode of Rollin' with Rick.

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Great video Rick and Lewis! Really enjoyed watching it. Thanks for sharing!
Crewsn from TN

James C


I liked the post, however it would have been nice to have had a little more background on your friend, After all we have not known him for more that a few minutes. It would also have been nice if there had been more riding involved and perhaps more of the scenery I like to see places that I may one day go to visit. Seeing more make the yen to visit stronger.



Nice. Lewis certainly looks a lot different than when the Preston family used to come to Estes Park, CO for Americade West! ;) Great support from the company - they found an air leak in no time on my '85 charge. I still pull a Bushtec. Every Electrical Connection item I've purchased has functioned flawlessly. It's nice he's doing well.



Great video! Looking forward to more. :-)



What great video! I felt like I was there and learned some history about 2 companies I have dealt with over the years. I am on my 6th Goldwing (2018 DCTTour) and Wingstuff, EC and Bushtec (Pull one) are some of the best companies I have ever dealt with in any category. Everyone could learn about customer service from them.
Thanks for the video



Thanks for the great comments and feedback!

Big John


Cool Video, I still have not test driven the new ST1800. One of my most respected buddies (as far as bike stuff) told me "Dont test ride it! You will get the bug! Its the most fun bike ever!" He even said its better then his BMW 1600.



2 Great Guys
Fantastic video of 2 Guys dedicated to the motorcycle community. I've met them both , and have done business with their companies. They're all about service to the customer. I ride a 2012 Goldwng and it is tricked out from nose to tail in Wingstuff stuff, and Electrical Connection Lighting. I have converted to LED everything on my wing. WHAT A HUGE IMPROVEMENT! Keep up doing what you guyz do. And Rick.... You need to make the trip to Americade next year and hang with the boyz!! that's it for now

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