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Honda Goldwing Motorcycle

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G Man

Blythewood, SC, US,


G Man


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Retired, Army

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You only live once, so enjoy life to the fullest and with the upmost!

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Blue 2012 Honda Goldwing, Razor Trik

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G Man


Rider Etiquette: The Good Samaritan

So truth!!!
This is so very truth. No one knows what is going on with a rider that is stopped off on the side of the road, unless you stop and ask!!

G Man


Cardo Packtalk Bold vs. Sena 50S Bluetooth Communication Systems

Love to have Bluetooth
I have decided to go with Bluetooth on my 2012 1800 Goldwing. I watch the video of the comparison of the Cardo Pack Talk Bold between the Sena 50s. I really do like the Cardo Pack Talk Bold better. I would like to know will there any updates to the Cardo Pack Talk Bold anytime soon, before I purchased them.

G Man


New 2021 Gold Wings Officially Announced

Great Bike
I have the 2012 1800 Blue Goldwing, which I have trike. I really like that the trunk is larger and the passager seat is more comfortable. I also like the idea of the Apple play. Thanks

G Man


Cardo Packtalk Bold vs. Sena 50S Bluetooth Communication Systems

Help me to decide!!!
I am looking to go Bluetooth on my 2012 1800 Honda Goldwing. This really help me to decide. I think that I'm going to go with the Cardo unit, but I'm going to wait about a few months, before I purchase. I want to wait and see if any changes will be made to the Cardo unit. Thank you very much for helping me in making my decision.

Latest product reviews View All

Freewire Bluetooth Wireless Adapter for Honda Goldwing

Purchased this for my 2012 1800 Goldwing. Haven't install yet, waiting to decide to purchase the Cardo Duo Bluetooth or another type of Bluetooth. Will update when install.
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Got this cover my 2012 1800 Goldwing. Then I convert my bike into a Trike. The cover still cover my Trike. It is hard to zip it completely, but it is still a great cover. My Trike is kept inside my garage. It would be nice if Wingstuff could make a cover large enough for a 2012 1800 Goldwing Trike. Thanks
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ITEM: AO18673629

It brings the look of the bike out a great deal really looks good. Thanks
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Quick Release Drink Holder for GL1800, GL1500

My wife really loves this product. Most if not all of her drinks fits and stays in the holder without any problems. Very easy to put on.
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Kuryakyn Chrome Floorboards w/Heel Shifter
ITEM CODE: KU4038,   SKU: KU4038

When I had my bike trike with the Razor kit, I had the Floorboards w/heel shifter installed. It takes a little getting used to and I really love and enjoy the floorboards and shifter.
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Performance Stainless Steel Belly Pan for GL1800
ITEM CODE: WS187416,   SKU: WS187416

I had my bike trike with the Razor kit and with the running boards. The pan does not fit with the running boards. The running boards does have two bracket the runs across and it gives a great deal of protection below. I have to return it. Thanks
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US State & Territory 6" x 9" Flags

I purchased the Puerto Rican Flag alone with the American Flag. They really look great on the trike.
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Triple Chrome Plated Adjustable Flip Up Armrests for GL1800
ITEM CODE: RIGL18094,   SKU: RIGL18094

My wife really loves these. A very great and outstanding look.
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USA Pole Flags

Very beautiful flag. It really add a great touch to the bike.
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Trunk Key Hole Trim Accent for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU3219,   SKU: KU3219

To be so small it really add a great look and touch to my Wing. It really brings out a lot to the rear of the bike. It is not expensive, but to see it on the wing you would think that it is a lot more. Thank you WingStuff.
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License Plate Reflector Bolt & Nut Kit

I ordered all four colors. I mainly use the blue, because the color of my blue. Add more lights to the back of the bike.
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Premium Trike Cover w/Bag for Gold Wing Trikes
ITEM CODE: WS18453,   SKU: WS18453

I purchased this Trike cover, because I'm going to have my 1800 Goldwing Trike very soon. Having it to just cover just my bike at this time is very nice and it covers everything. The tie downs are great also. This is a great cover, but once you take it out of the carrying bag just think about keeping it out. It is very hard to get it back into the bag, but I still love it.
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