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You can't be lost if you don't care where you're at
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Yellow 2005 Honda GL1800
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Stop and Go Tubeless Tire Plugger With C02 Cartridges
ITEM CODE: TR150215, SKU: TR150215
Got me home safe!
First of all it was a rough day at work, or maybe just a long day..... after work I went for a ride and thought I heard some weird noise while turning right... ahhh, I'm just tired.... so I’m on RT18 and go to get on the interstate, 2 drivers don't know where they want to be, so I blast past them and hit the on ramp really fast, the bike goes into this strange wobble and the pegs and crash bar hit the ground... at this point I get on the highway.... as I'm riding it feels funny, but again, I'm just tired after a mile or two it seems I have to add more throttle to maintain speed, and it really does not feel right.... so I do a little slalom turn and OH NO.... something is WRONG.... I pulled over, messed with this plug kit I bought with CO2 cartridges, but did not know where the leak was and it leaked too fast with those little C02 cartridges to find the hole. The whole time I am on the side of the road, it’s dark, I’m tired and in a hurry to get off the highway, and I do not have my flashers on, because last year the switch got stuck in the on position. If it weren’t for all the road noise and stress levels, I would have found that little hole in the tire. I rode slow on the edge of the highway, the whole time knowing that if the rear bead comes away from the rim I will most likely crash this 850lb motorcycle, finally I got off an exit and then plugged the tire at a gas station parking lot. The fix got me home safe! This little tire repair kit was very easy to use, it pushes the plug in unlike those T shaped insert tools. The kit comes with laminated instruction cards. I’m sure glad I bought that kit! BUY THIS KIT, worth every penny if you need it, and many times you buy something like this it seems you will not need it. Tom has the right tip too, turn the allen wrench until you are sure it bottoms out, it will get tight while pushing the pug through the insertion nozzle. |
ITEM: BB52739
4 Stars
Installed this almost 3 years ago and it’s still secured, but the chrome is now pitted to the point it needs to be replaced. I would say the chrome plating should last a little longer than 3 years. |
Saddlebag Lid Organizer Set for GL1800 Gold Wing 1st Gen
ITEM CODE: WS18002, SKU: WS18002
5 Stars
They work great! I have had them installed for well over a year now, and they are still in good shape. Would buy them again. |
Z-Style Required Lower Headset Hook Up Cords
5 Stars
Good quality after 2 years, no cracking or dry rot on the cord along with no connection problems |
5 Stars
I installed this in a full face HJC for my passenger and she has no complaints. The mike seems to broadcast at a higher volume than my J&M Elite version. not sure if it's because the elites amazing upgraded quality or the mike design? Speaking of the Elite, if you can come up with the extra $$$$ GET IT! the upgrade really will amaze you, if the budget does not permit the Elite, this one is just fine. I also had this one in one of my open face helmets, rain all over the mike and never failed me! |
ITEM: PG00202
5 Stars
Where I am from it gets cold, and it rains a lot, so that is why I got them. I first had the baker built under the mirrors and they worked really well, then I seen these and thought they looked better so I bought them. They do block the wind well, look good (to me) and seem to stop buffeting when passing semis more than if you have nothing. The down fall is when it’s warm out…. Those little vents don’t let much air in. the way I tested this was when it was really cold out, as when it’s hot this is not a fair test… you really don’t feel much air on you with those vents opened, I did leave them on all summer, the limit to the air flow what not that big of a deal to me. I have been up to 115mph actual speed with them on. Some tips when installing. There is only a small amount of trimming you have to do on the fairing strips, I gave the lower mounts a slight “twist” bend, once installed the plastic wing was not totally flat and I did not want added stress on the air wing. BEFORE installing remove and clean ALL the bolts including the ones on the vents… ALL the bolts! Do this on a table, keep all organized, clean all threads with alcohol then apply some blue loctite and re assemble without over tightening anything. The mounts are insulated with rubber washers, tighten them just enough to compress those washers, and the vents… tighten them so they move with enough resistance that the wind will not move them for you. My rubber washers are dry rot cracked after one year (I installed the wings March 2008 and have 17,000 miles on them) I have had nothing come loose, and have not had any problems with them, I like them and plan on keeping them on there. If these fell off I would buy more from this store, I give it a “Buy IT” rating. |
ITEM: AO451630B
5 Stars
must have! Mine is over one year old and still as good as new. |
Factory OEM Air Filter for GL1800
5 Stars
I read a lot of mixed reviews about the K&N so I decided to stick with the stock unit, no complaints after 46,000 (no, not with the same filter) Here is a tip... while installing this, check your coolant hose clamps, snug them down. Also if you have any wiring ideas, now is the time to run that wire. :) |
Standard Fairing Plastic Rivets for GL1800 (10 Pack)
5 Stars
Seem as good as OEM, but wouldn |
ITEM: BB52748
5 Stars
Works good and the connector is good also. I installed one in the top of the trunk to charge phone and NiMH camera batteries, and one in the left pocket. I have since changed to "N" sized connectors like the BMWs use and Gerbing heated clothes for my GPS, and satellite receiver up front, they are smaller and stay connected better. However this one is used all the time in the trunk and no troubles. |
Chrome Front Fender Extension
ITEM CODE: BB52601A, SKU: BB52601A
4 Stars
does not stop everything, installs good, I felt the bolts were cheap as I bought the Honda one and the hardware was better, non the less I like it. I have raised my ride height some with new springs front and rear, so it is more effective for me. you should take a strait edge of some sort and hold it from the ground up to the back of the fender to see what all of us are talking about as far as protection. |
Chrome Front Fender Extension
1 Stars
I agree with the others, this thing is way too short to do anything and for what it costs... |
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