Rebuilt a 99' Honda Shadow VLX from the gound up and recently moved into the Wing.
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Air operations Mgr / Load master
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I'll try anything once, twice if it tastes good
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Met Red 2008 Honda GL1800 HPNA
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Black & Blue 1999 Honda VLX 600
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ITEM: WP869507
5 Stars
5 stars so far, will see if it holds up based upon previous reviews, but looking at the sturdy materials, I am optamistic. I am going to give some extra info on this review as I did not see it when I was searching the reviews before purchase (I also searched several of the GoldWing forums and noticed that this was a popular choice before going to the next step of pricey full custom seat). I ordered the "medium" and installed it easilly on my 2008. For those of you considering to buy, the medium size seems to be correct. It fits nicely, leaving less then 2" of the OEM seat exposed at the front end, and less than 1 and 3/4" exposed on the left and right sides (At the furthest of each side contour). It does come with 2 adjustable straps that hook into the loops, seen in the picture; Without removing the seat, the front strap slid easilly underneath the front of my stock seat. I wrapped the rear strap ends around my back-rest mount and then hooked to the cushion loops - stays snug even with hitting the brakes hard. I may add some tape to the strap hooks just to make sure that they don't scratch my paint or dig into the seat cover ..... just to be safe. The air-bladder portion has individual "cells" that allow air to transfer to and from each, therefore, as you move your weight around, you can feel the cells transfer air between themselves to balance out. As others have commented, start out with minimum air .... sit on it, move around, adjust from there. So far, it does seem that it helps a great deal with pressure points, but I will know more when I fnish my 1000 mile trip back home - and will update. It did raise me up in the seat (which I expected) an inch or so; Anyone with shorter legs should consider the additional seat height based upon the amount of air that you add. |
Centramatic Stainless Wheel Balancers for GL1800
ITEM CODE: CTMGW100-102, SKU: CTMGW100-102
5 Stars
Just had these installed with around 9300 miles on the stock D250's, which still have plenty of life left and only minor cupping (no wobble, noise, or odd handling). Had them put on when I went to the dealership to have my tire stems changed out to full metal and mount my Doran TPMS sensors inside the tire. The mechanic and the staff there had never heard of Centramatic and asked me several times what they were (Almost smirking, like it was a gimmick) and asking how they were supposed to work - the tech even called me back into the maintenance bay to show me his clearence concerns for the ABS and calipers.... I literally had to talk them into putting them on, telling them I purchased from WingStuff (Which seemed to be just enough to convice them) and that the instructions clearly state that they apply to ALL GL1800 models. I also reminded them that there is a tech assistance # on the instructions ..... funny enough, the mechanic was Mr. Confident after that. Finally they were finished, the tech took a test ride on it, brought it back and just said, "wow, now that was smooth". Although my stock D250's weren't causing any major issues and I have never experienced the "low-speed-wobble" others speak of, I was able to tell some difference with the Centramatics installed. I can't say its night and day, but, it was there ...... and if it gets me extended tire life and smoother ride, I think the cost is justified. I did not hear any "swishing" at low speeds as other reviews mentioned (but with a 3/4 helmet on, maybe I couldn't hear this). At the very least, it is piece of mind since I know I added weight with the TPMS sensors and I'm too cheap to get my tires re-balanced at intervals. The only suggestion I would have for Centramatic would be to include a note for skeptical mechanics, such as, "Yes, this will fit on an ABS model" and "Feel free to call us so we can assure you it is OK to install this on a customer's bike without fear it will blow up and you'll face a liability law-suit" :o) Great product! |
Chrome Fender Extender w/Rubber for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU7352, SKU: KU7352
5 Stars
Great fit and looks good to boot. Very easy installation; took me about 30 minutes to install as the placement needs to be perfect to avoid from letting the adhesive tape sticking before you have it just right ..... an extra set of hands would be good, or installing with fender off. The rubber portion at the bottom extends down past the lip of the lower cowl, so I am hoping for less cleaning time of the cowl and center cover! The chrome helps tie in the recently installed chrome cowl and center cover ...... another nice piece of wing-bling! |
Chrome Timing Cover for GL1800 Goldwing
ITEM CODE: KU3909, SKU: KU3909
5 Stars
Nice METAL pieces, not plastic; aside from that, not much else I can add that hasn't already been said. Finishes off the front cowl area especially well when the chrome lower cowl is added. Fit and finish is great. |
Chrome Lower Front Cowl for GL1800
ITEM CODE: BB52608, SKU: BB52608
5 Stars
I must be one of the lucky ones as I had no issue lining this up and getting screws to start/sink without issue - yes, it does take some minor pushing and pulling, but no more than the OEM cowl ..... It really looks good along with the center cover. Nice piece! |
Passenger Armrest Kit
4 Stars
One more quick note that I failed to mention in my eariler review..... the product description states "Special Design does not restrict rear speaker audio". I wonder, did the person writing the decription think of where the passenger arm goes?? It is, of course, an ARMREST that mounts on the speaker, and the cut-out inside said armrest is covered by, none-other than, the passenger's ARM!..... As soon as my passenger sat down, her arms covered the cut-outs for the speaker sound .... so the only thing that is "specially designed" here is an armrest with cut-outs to hear audio when a passenger is not present (or not using the armrests)..... If the driver is wearing a half-helmet, then maybe sound could be heard from the rear speakers if a passenger wasn't present ....... interesting that I bought this without thinking of the novelty of having sound to the rear / passenger if they didn't have helmet speakers. |
Passenger Armrest Kit
4 Stars
Not hard to install, just need patience and 2-3 hours. taking apart the trunk and speaker housings, then putting back together is most of it. Like the looks of these much more than the other options out there, unfortunately, Honda is very proud of their accessories and makes you pay out the rear-end for a product that likely cost a tenth to produce. Removing the lock washers holding the stock arm pads on took some prying from under the plastic to get them started, then a screwdriver and a pair of needle-nose pliers to work them the rest of the way off, and yes, need to take off the metal tab clamps at the bottom before they will seperate ...... not rocket science, just takes time. I used a step drill-bit to take care of widening the holes; only drilled the top hole in the trunk then marked, as others previously advised, as template was inaccurate. All-in-all, its worth the time for the looks, but only giving 4 stars as the price is high for what comes down to some pads and support brackets. |
ISO-Grips for use w/OEM Heated Grips for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU6183, SKU: KU6183
5 Stars
As others have stated, getting the stock ends off takes some torque, getting the 2 halves to come together requires a clamp (i only had 1 clamp, so I clamped and then used zip-ties to hold one end while I removed the clamp and did the other end). I installed these with the Kury chrome end weights, accent rings and throttle boss. Makes the grips much larger in circufrance than the stock - they feel great, look great, heat still comes through fairly well ......... lets see how long the chrome lasts |
Kill Switch Cover for GL1800
ITEM CODE: BB52609, SKU: BB52609
5 Stars
Can't really add anything more than what has already been stated - fits correctly and is quality - good buy! |
Spray Polish & Cleaner
5 Stars
Although the first can I bought was at the Stealership for $20 (thnx to WingStuff on their great prices), I must say, this does actually work to take the fine-lines out of the windshield or helmet shields. I am convinced, just after the first use on my "Show Chrome windshield - swept back style" which scratches easilly. A mechanic buddy of mine borrowed it to shine up his GL1100 windshield and tupperware and the results were excellent. It actually does what it says it will do, no hype. |
HP4 Pro Performance Oil
5 Stars
Great price from WingStuff compared to stealership .... don't know I see much difference from the GN4 with shifting as others have commented, but each wing is unique. I always change oil around 4-5K, so when draining the old, still looks new. My local stealership mechanic actually tried to down-sell me (a new one for me) the last time I bought there, telling me that all of his mechanics, several with wings, just run regular oil, but still a hot topic of debate.... perhaps I buy too much into the synthetic or partially-synthetic claimed attributes, but hey, guess its up to your personal views. |
Power Sport Tire Inflator
ITEM CODE: WP40061, SKU: WP40061
5 Stars
Nice compact unit, but it blew the fuse in my fairing power socket after less than 1 minute of use (I kinda figured that would happen, but I was in a parking lot and was 2 pressed for time). So use the permanent connection or alligator clips, or you will be takining the fairing pocket out to replace the inline fuse of your power socket. |
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