Webmaster and Motorist Awareness Program Coordinator for GWRRA Chapter CA1F in San Diego. Riding with the Gold Angels Motorcycle Drill Team as "Griz" since February, 2011. My 2008 Metallic Red GL1800, "BabyDragon", was totalled on 9/25/2015. I now ride a 2016 GL1800 named "Phawkes" and she has her own facebook page - look her up!
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"No matter where you go, there you are"
--Buckaroo Banzai
--Buckaroo Banzai
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Bike 1:
Metallic Red R325M 2008 Honda GL1800HPNAV (decease
Bike 2:
Candy Red R342C 2016 Honda GL1800HPNAV
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- No Bike 3 -
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ITEM: KU4453
Very comfortable
I broke my ankle a few years ago and switched to a heel-toe shifter. Shortly after that, I put on a pair of these ISO Wing pegs, and haven't gone back. I tend to drag my pegs a lot (especially the left side, since the Heel-toe shifter makes it stick out an inch further) and have replaced my ISO Wing pegs several times in the last few years. I'll never go back. I just wish WingStuff carried the less expensive Kuryakyn Part# 4452 that doesn't include mounting adapters so I could save a few bucks when I replace them. I don't need new mounting adapters, just the boards. |
Factory OEM Brake Pads for GL1800
Simply the best pads available
It's not often that the factory part beats out ALL other aftermarket brands, but when it comes to Brake Pads, ONLY the Hondaline OEM pads will do the job. I ride on the Gold Angels Motorcycle Drill Team, and the slow-speed maneuvers we have in our routine requires near-constant trail-braking to control the speed and maneuverability. This means we go through a lot of brake pads, and I can tell you from personal experience, aftermarket pads don't even hold a candle to the Hondaline pads. In particular, stay away from EBC pads. They overheat very quickly, causing "Brake Fade" on the rear caliper which is extremely dangerous. I can ride 30-40 minutes on the practice field on Hondaline pads before needing to give my Goldwing a rest, but EBC pads cause brake fade at about 10-15 minutes. |
ITEM: BB52791
Good looking, but poor quality control
I've had these on my Wing for a couple years now, and the chrome shine has held up better than expected for a plastic product. The best thing I can say about them is that they don't show up on a lot of other bikes when I'm at events, making my bike stand out a bit... probably because they are so expensive!! Much more expensive than I think they are worth. Cons: (1)The lights are bright, but very directional. In the daytime, I frequently get comments from people behind me that one side (the side opposite where they are following me) is not lit, but it's only because of the angle of view. No problems at night, though. (2)The quality control of their assembly is very poor. I had 3 LEDs go out on one side, and I had to disassemble the unit and touch fresh solder to the circuit board to fix a cold-solder joint. I'm sure that's what is causing the "flicker" and intermittent lighting problems that other people are reporting here as well. (3) the cord connecting the truck lights to the tail lights could be a few inches longer. I frequently pull it loose and have to contort my hands a bit to get the lens fitted back onto the trunk after changing a tail-light bulb, or the martini lights will pull loose before I can fit the unit back into place. It still rates 3 stars, though, because installation was indeed plug-n-play, and they look really good on my Wing. |
Quality EBC Brake Pads
Never EVER again...
I'm on a drill team with my GL1800, and the maneuvers in our routines involve riding the rear brakes for long periods of time to increase extreme slow speed control of the bike. My local store was out of stock on Hondaline pads once, so I put EBC rear brakes on the night before a practice, and after only a few minutes into our routine at practice the next morning, these pads overheated and stopped working. I stopped by another dealer on the way home and picked up a pair of genuine Hondaline pads. I will NEVER EVER consider EBC pads again. They just simply don't work. |
Water Resistant Shade Cover by Sknz
5 Stars
Absolutely the best cover I have ever seen. The fabric is AMAZING, as it is very elastic, breathable, completely opaque, and water just beads up on it. I first saw a demo in Mammoth at the GWRRA CA District 2011 convention, and they had a piece of this material stretched over a bowl, with water pooling on it in the center... it sat there all night and still beaded right off the next morning, without a hint of absorption. I finally broke down and bought one at the AZ District convention. It's nice to see that they are available through Wingstuff now. I'm hoping their business takes off fast, so they can afford to buy this fabric in other colors. In the meantime, I LOVE my half-cover. |
ITEM: KU4453
4 Stars
These look and feel great, but the set-screw in them is deisgned to keep the Clevis to be perpendicular to the plane of the board... which is fine if you mount them as highwayboards, but as you can see from the photo, the clevis is at a 30-40 degree angle. Only 4 Stars because of the poor engineering of the set screw. When mounted as pegs, these boards tend to loosen unless you REALLY overtighten the bolt holding the board to the clevis. I'm happy with them, though, and have gone through a couple of sets, since I tend to scrape my pegs a lot and wear them out. |
ITEM: KU4057
4 Stars
I added a Kuryakyn heel-toe shifter to my GL1800 after I broke my ankle, using the stock pegs on top of it, but wanted to go to floorboards later. I discovered, to my dismay, that floorboards could not go on top of the Heel-toe shifter, unless you bought the model that included floorboards. So, I purchased these ErgoII Iso-Wing pegs and mounted them in place of my stock pegs and it worked great. However, there is a set screw with an indent that is designed to keep the pegs perpendicular to the arm when using them as highwayboards, but I need to have the pegs at an angle when using them in place of my stock pegs. Only 4 stars for the stupid design of the set screw. My solution is to overtighten the main bolt connecting these pegs to the swivel adapter, and then tighten the small set screw just so it doesn't get lost. |
Black Ride Off Center Stand for GL1800
3 Stars
I don't have a problem with any particular model of ride-off center stands, but I installed one last year on my '08 and was fairly happy with it for a while. It did decrease stability because it doesn't lift the bike as high off the ground, but the one thing that made me remove it and put the stock center stand back on was when I decided to change my rear tire to the taller 70-inch option... The ride-off center stand no longer touched the ground with the taller rear tire installed. The taller rear tire improved my mileage and will last about 16% longer just because there is more tire there - and it cost the same price. That is a much greater benefits to having a ride-off center stand. Besides, the stock center stand now works easier with the taller rear tire installed. |
3 Stars
One allen screw was unthreaded (just a metal shaft with hex hole on one end) One pin-lok had stripped threads. Another was previously cross-threaded, so actually there were only 10 usable loks in the bag. Other than that, it's a great product and most of my vest pins are securely fastened in place now. Having 2 bad ones out of 12 is why I only rate it 3 stars. I'm buying a 2nd pack to secure the rest of my pins. |
ITEM: AO18673629
4 Stars
Looks great, works great... but after 6 months, it seems to have become "loose" just below the threaded area, where a rivet goes through the base. The entire antenna wobbles just ever so slightly... it doesn't seem to have any effect on the operation -- it's only noticeable if you hold on to the bottom part of the folding coupler it and rock it back and forth. I can't figure out any way to tighten it back up. |
GPS, Cell, Radar, Device Mounting Arms
4 Stars
I purchased the 3-3/4" arm and the clutch/brake reservoir mounting clamp. I only give it 4 Stars becase the Clutch-reservoir mount won't tighten enough to keep the clutch lever from being able to be rotated on the handlebars by hand... it's pretty tight, but not as tight as before this was mounted, and it doesn't match up perfectly, although it takes close inspection to see anything wrong with it. Also, I had to go to RAM directly to purchase a 1/4"-20 threaded adapter ball to mount my digital camera on top of this guy. WingStuff should offer that part here, and that would have saved me aobut $8 in extra shipping charges. Otherwise, I really love it. It's incredibly stable - stays right were you put it - and my camera takes great video through the windscreen. I am going to order the longer arm so that I can position the camera farther up and to the side. |
ITEM: PG00127
4 Stars
Very keen design and installed without too much trouble. Visibility is perfect at the angles where you want people to be able to see them, and the added shield to keep them from blinding the driver is nice engineering foresight. I had to cut the plug off and solder the wires in place on my Wing because I didn't have the other Kuryakin kit that was mentioned in the instructions. The included 1-inch of shrink tubing was a nice touch and made finishing the project easier, but it was not mentioned in the instructions. I bet some people don't realize what it's there for. |
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