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Honda Goldwing Motorcycle

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10 Reasons Why I Love My Gold Wings By Rick Arnoldo

You are so RIGHT!!
I have owned 18 motorcycles. All but my first bike, a 1967 Yamaha 180, have been Hondas. I had a CL350, CB350, five CB750s and an ST1300. Then I have had ten Goldwings. Started with a Red 77 GL1000, then a Blue and then a black. Had an 83 Interstate 1100, 96 Aspencade 1500. I bought an 01 1800, 03 1800, 05 1800 and if you count my 97 Valkyrie which I still have. Out of all of those great bikes my 2018 DCT Tour is by far the greatest motorcycle I have ever owned. I have 50k miles on it and every time I take it out for a ride I still get giddy. I can take it up in the mountains ( I live in Colorado), put it in sport manual and OMG it is like track day on a sport bike. I can come down to the flats shift to Tour mode automatic and ride it to Chicago. No problem either way. Talk about Reliability. We took a ride on Sunday and had 4 Valkyries and 2 Goldwing. Valkyries have not been produced since 2003. Our group has 5 guys with Valkyries. Mine is a 97. It will be 26 years old this year and I have 124k miles on it and still running awesome! I am taking it on an in state Saddle Sore 1000 this month. I will be taking the Goldwing on a Lower 48 in 10 days or less next month. I trust these bikes.

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Oil Change Kit for 2018+ Gold Wing

I read the GL1800 Forum and I see that Goldwing owners are searching for cheap Oil Filters. I am amazed that you spend $20k+ for a Motorcycle and you try to save $3 on an Oil Filter. Use the OEM filter that was designed for the bike. In 100K miles you are going to use 20 filters and save $60. Not worth it.
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Bridgestone G852/G853 Tires for 2018+ Gold Wing

Jim Verified Buyer
Just purchased my 4rd set of these for my 18 DCT Tour. 1st set I got 14K with balance beads. Last year on the 2nd set I installed Centramatic Balancers before out USA 4 Corners Trip. 28 days and 13,600 miles still had enough tread to complete the season of riding. I got 18K on that set. 3rd set I have 15K on them and have enough tread to hit that 18K miles again before installing my my 4th set. They handle extremely well. I do not baby them either. Perfect tire for the Wing
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Centramatic Wheel Balancers for 2018+ Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: CTMGW100-118,   SKU: CTMGW100-118

I did a lot of research on the balancers and read as many reviews as I could find. Could not find anyone who had really put some miles on these. Well I hope this helps the next group of riders looking for info.I had a set of Bridgestone Excedra Max on my 2018 Goldwing DCT Tour and had Balance beads installed when new. I put on 12,500 and still could have gone another 1000 easy. The reason I wanted reviews was to find out how many more miles you could add with the Balancers because we were about to embark on the USA 4_corners. Well I bought a new set of Bridgestone Excedra Max and installed the Balancers. Just got back 6/13. We did Denver to Key West to San Ysidro CA Blaine WA to Madawaska ME and back to Denver. 13,653 miles, 40 states in 28 days. I have just under 4mm left on the rear and just under 3mm on the front. I believe I can go another 2-3k miles before wear bars. From 12k to 16k that is an awesome increase. I will write another once these tires are to the wear bars. With beads I got 12,500 to the wear bars.
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