Been riding now for a little over 35 years now. The bike you see here is my 2004 Honda Shadow Aero, this photo was taken just about 2 years ago now, it still looks like new but has some heavy mileage on it. One more year, maybe even less and it will have 100,000 or more on it. I am a long distance rider often doing 500 to 1,500 Km's per day, most often I do in the 900 to 1,200 Km range per day as I like to slow down a little and enjoy the sights and sounds along the way and not just blast through.
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Millwright / Power Engineer
Favorite Quote:
There is no such thing as a stupid question.....However there are stupid mistakes from not asking questions.
Member Since:
Bike 1:
Red & Black 2004 Honda Shadow Aero
Bike 2:
2011 GW ( COMING SOON ! ) GL1800
Bike 3:
- No Bike 3 -
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Bridgestone Tire COMBO for GL1800 G704/G709
Bridge Stones
I use to use ONLY these on my old bike, Honda Shadow VT750. Now that bike is gone and in its place I have a NEW GL1800 Gold Wing. As of yet I have not had Bridge Stones on it....YET! I am waiting for the tires on it right now to wear out, which should be soon enough as I have few serious trips planed that will cover near 12,000 Km in about a month of riding. As for the Bridge Stones I loved them on my old Shadow and when my wing needs a set of tires I will give them a try on it. Right now I have the Metz 880's on it, and these to are very good and I am most happy with them as well. |
Bridgestone Tires for GL1800 & F6B
5 Stars
I had these tires on my bike when I bought it new. I got 43,000 Km's of riding out of them before they needed to be replaced. I now have just over 10,000 km's on the new set on my bike and they look like new still, no sign of wear that I can see. But then I do not ride like a raped ape so for my tires tend to last a long time. Most of my riding is long distance highway stuff, very little in city riding. Lloyd ( North Vancouver, Canada ) |
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