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Roadsofa CF Seat w/ Driver Backrest for 2018+ Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: SAH18-07-185BR,   SKU: SAH18-07-185BR

Don Verified Buyer
First, the seat is very nice and appears to be well made. But, the problem is that the seat is NOT a perfect fit. The passenger seat is too long and the metal tabs do not fit into the the slot(s). Reason for bending the post was due to them sitting on the two plastic tabs of where the passenger seat would lie. Even after modifying the seat, there's a pretty big gap along the sides of theseat. I'm hoping the gap is not that significant so rain doesn't enter the bottom and short out something electrical. For the price of the seat, I would think Saddlemen would have done better at engineer the overall fit. Based on that, I wouldn't really recommend this seat.
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F4 Scratch Resistant Windshields for 2018+ Gold Wing

Don Verified Buyer
I'm around 5'11" and purchased the 20" windshield. The windshield is nice and cleans as advertised (just paper towels and Windex). My main issue is with the windshield being extremely flimsy at around 60 mph. I have to keep the windshield down at it's lowest point due to how the windshield constantly shakes/vibrates (you will have to use the rubber stops provided from rubbing/hitting the side windshield plates). This is disappointing since I purchased the product to help deflect the rain here in Florida. Yes, I look through the windshield when it's raining . If I raise the windshield to the height needed, I get a lot of wind buffering on my helmet--even with the curved windshield. And with the vibration, it makes looking through the windshield very difficult. I will say the product looks very nice, but I'm actually considering putting the stock window back on.
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