Sober Joe
Been riding for over 50 years. Been in every state except Alaska and Hawaii on a bike.
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Alcohol Drug Counselor
Favorite Quote:
You get good at what you practice at, so practice being good.
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Bike 1:
White 2018 Goldwing Tour
Bike 2:
Maroon? 2007 Goldwing Roadsmith Trike
Bike 3:
- No Bike 3 -
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Premium Mini Boards w/o Adapters Gloss Black
ITEM CODE: KU7579, SKU: KU7579
Premium Mini Boards review
They say they mount tip forward, back or level. Also make sure you buy the correct adapters. I called WingStuff and talked to the gal there to confirm I bought the right ones. She was very helpful. They did not mount looking level on my 2018 Gold Wing Tour. I ended up tilting them back one notch, one notch the other way and they tilted forward. They do not tip up very much on the Wing . They do look good on the bike and my feet seem to like them. |
Front Fender Extension
ITEM CODE: CI68925, SKU: CI68925
Front fender extension review
This looks great once it is on. Have to see how well it works when riding in the rain. My only suggestion is to make sure you measure twice and drill once for the holes. Installation error on my part. I had to expand the hole on the extension because I was off a bit on the fender. I just used some gorilla tape and a bit of epoxy on the hole to make sure the extension was solid. And I did use a chunk of wood to protect the tire when I drilled. |
Omni Heel-Toe Shift Lever Satin Black
ITEM CODE: KU6756, SKU: KU6756
Heel-Toe Shift review
This went on easy, took a bit to find an adjustment position I like. I used this with the half boards I purchased here. The half board makes it more difficult to get under it to toe shift with it. I may move the half board back a notch to see how that works. I do notice I hit the motor with the toe of my boot more with this shifter than with the stock one. The heel shift took a bit of time to find compared to my old bikes, since it does not stick out as far. I am sure that will change as I ride it more and have developed muscle memory. I did talk to Honda about concerns that having it on might void the transmission warranty since it was not stock. I figure if I have a transmission problem I will put the old shifter on before I take it in. |
GT Tour Rack Black for 2018-20 Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: BB52-936BK, SKU: BB52-936BK
Tour Rack- spend more and get more
I am disappointed in this rack on my bike. It looks nice but does not have adequate spots to attach tie downs. The two in the front are nice, but there is nothing in the back to keep the bungees from sliding around the frame. I wish I had looked closer and spent a few more bucks on a nicer rack that had more spots to hook on and protected the back of the seat better. Once the holes are drilled no other choice but to mount it and go. |
Ride Off Center Stands for 2018+ Gold Wing
Worth the money!
I have a bad shoulder and can't pull up the bike on the OEM stand. I am fairly handy with tools so I installed it myself. Had to bend the chrome shield on the left side exhaust to pull out the pivot rod. The difficult part was installing the spring. I used an old brake tool for installing the springs on drum brakes. I had to modify the tool by bending and grinding off the side of it a bit so the spring would slide off the end. I also removed the right foot peg to get it out of the way of the tool. Once I did that the spring went on after a couple of tries. I like being able to park it upright in my garage and when getting gas. Easy for the passenger to get on and off as well. Worth the money! |
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