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By Bikemaster SKU: TR171211
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Rubber Insert. Non-slip protection. Fits 1" to 1-1/4" highway bars.
1975 GL1000 1976 GL1000 1977 GL1000 1978 GL1000 1979 GL1000 1980 GL1100 1981 GL1100 1982 GL1100 1983 GL1100 1984 GL1200 1985 GL1200 1986 GL1200 1987 GL1200 1988 GL1500 1989 GL1500 1990 GL1500 1991 GL1500 1992 GL1500 1993 GL1500 1994 GL1500 1995 GL1500 1996 GL1500 1997 GL1500 1998 GL1500 1999 GL1500 2000 GL1500 2001 GL1800 1st Gen 2002 GL1800 1st Gen 2003 GL1800 1st Gen 2004 GL1800 1st Gen 2005 GL1800 1st Gen 2006 GL1800 1st Gen 2007 GL1800 1st Gen 2008 GL1800 1st Gen 2009 GL1800 1st Gen 2010 GL1800 1st Gen 2012 GL1800 2nd Gen 2013 GL1800 2nd Gen 2014 GL1800 2nd Gen 2015 GL1800 2nd Gen 2016 GL1800 2nd Gen 2017 GL1800 2nd Gen 2013 F6B Gold Wing 2014 F6B Gold Wing 2015 F6B Gold Wing 2016 F6B Gold Wing 2017 F6B Gold Wing
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