Trike Daddy
Disabled but love to ride my GL1800 trike.
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God's not through with me yet.
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Mattlic Black 2010 Gold Wing Honda
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Helment Quick Release
I brought one and liked it so much that I ordered 3 more. These are a snap to install. I cut the other D rings off and open them wide enough to get strap in, simple as that. The old ones had 2 pins that you had to line up and they would always give me trouble; one would go in and not the other and had to pull strap over my head w/helment to fix it. A pain when would fall out on a ride.When these close shut you can definitely know it by the loud snap sound it makes. I believe they are as safe as if not safer than the rest of quick releases. |
Premium Trike Cover w/Bag for Gold Wing Trikes
ITEM CODE: WS18453, SKU: WS18453
Premium Trike Cover w/Bag for Gold Wing Trikes
I received my cover today and it only took 3 days.Man they shipped it the same day.As soon as I took it out the bag I knew it was a better cover than the 2 I own now. It felt heaver and that was what I needed cause my trike(GL1800 w/Motor Trike Adventuer Kit)sets under the carport and the other 2 covers just were so thin they rottened out. Yes 2 in 4 years.I don,t know why I bother w/other websites when Wingstuff always has what,s best for us winggers. A perfect fit and love that zipper. Not to lose and not to tight. It even goes down farther than the others so as to cover the tires.Loveiy cover Wingstuff and at a very very resonable price. Thanks for protecting and careing about our Wings. |
40 Channel Factory Honda GL1800 CB Radio Kit 2012-2017
5 Stars
I dont know how I managed to survive this long without a cb. It ended up being a early xmas present from my son; he said he didnt want me out there without being able to talk to others so one morning about 1:AM he called from work and told me to order it now. Wingstuff got it to me in less than a week which was pretty quick and by that time I had read the installion and vedios and other reviews and was getting cold feet. I read Gregg's review and it was a wonderful help. Went to radio shack and gave them the #s he had on his review. It took me @ 8 hrs over 2 days. Not removing the trunk and shelter all the way saved me alot of time cause I added other stuff at this time also. Even help alot also and could not of made it without those color photos. Found a vacant lot from a friend dn town and set SWR; got 1.1 on ch #1; 1.5 on ch #20; and 2.2 on ch #40 and it sounds great and going on 400-500 mile trip this cold wk end over 2 days. I chose the hodaline cb cause anything else would be like putting a ford engine in a chevy. Thanks fellow winggers for the aboundance of enfo. |
Performance Stainless Steel Belly Pan for GL1800
ITEM CODE: WS187416, SKU: WS187416
5 Stars
Real easy installation; but took a little longer cause I have a trike kit on my gl 1800. But it was nothing a dramil couldnt handle. Made a duplicate on cardboard; cut it out; trased it on the front part of belly pan and it was all over. So it will go on a trike and if I might say; it looked like it came that way, Ride on. |
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