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"For some, there's therapy.
For the rest of us, there's a motorcycle."
For the rest of us, there's a motorcycle."
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Black 2006 Honda GL1800
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Chrome Passenger Cruise Pegs for GL1800
ITEM CODE: KU7016, SKU: KU7016
QC issues
I was excited to install these pegs for my (new) bride. I ordered them as a surprise for her, and had them sent to a friend's place. We planned to visit them along the way on our honeymoon. I thought Don and I could install the pegs in about 10 or 15 minutes without her knowing, then take her to the bike and shout "surprise!" Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out that way. We installed the LHS peg in about 2 minutes. The RHS peg was a different matter. The set screw on that peg (which is a "height" or rather, an angle adjustment screw) just wouldn't screw in all the would get about halfway and bind. Fortunately, we could extract the screw and with a flashlight, we could see that there was a problem with the threads. The next morning (when the stores were open), I took a trip to the hardware store to purchase a tap & die set to attempt to fix the thread problem. Fortunately, chasing the threads worked, but the surprise for Cecile was "ruined." I sent an email off to Wingstuff, with photos of the procedure we performed on the footpeg, along with a copy of the receipt for the tools, and Wingstuff kindly covered the cost of the "repair," and then some. I'm glad we could get these pegs installed for the trip home (she loves them, by the way), and not have to return them for a replacement set. Thanks Wingstuff! |
Oil Filter Wrench
ITEM CODE: BB4201, SKU: BB4201
Update to: Doesn't Work for Me
I've upgraded my rating for the Oil Filter Wrench because I found a filter other than the Honda oil filter which works with this wrench - the K&N oil filter. The K&N filter has a 17mm "nut" on the top, which is the same size as the oil drain plug. Now I can remove both the drain plug and the filter with this single tool. I rated this wrench only 4 stars (up from a previous 1 star rating) because this wrench still won't work with the majority of oil filters, making it necessary to have another type of oil filter removal tool in your tool box. |
Oil Filter Wrench
ITEM CODE: BB4201, SKU: BB4201
Doesn't work for me
I guess I'm different. Have an easy-to-remove belly pan, so the cowling doesn't bother me. And I don't use Honda filters, so... I shoulda never got this wrench. It should be called "Honda Oil Filter Wrench." I tried removing my existing filter and this wrench won't work - doesn't fit the filter. I'm having a tough time finding a good one that works - the plastic ones are garbage, so I keep borrowing the one from the mechanic in the next town - a simple strap affair. This isn't the wrench I'm looking for... :( |
Fold Down Antenna Mount Flag Pole w/Flag for Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: BB52713, SKU: BB52713
Update to my previous review
In my review, I said I took off the old flag pole and replaced it with the new one. Well, on my trip to Wing Ding, the top flew off some where between here and Indiana and I lost my flag as well. No problem, I thought, I'll just pick up a new top and flag at WD. Well... that was easier said than done. Scoured all the vendors and finally found one that sold the tops. Bought one, and a new flag, but the top didn't fit on my flag pole! Darn!! Looked again the next day, still no luck. So I stuck with the one I bought. On the way home, I lost it too, along with my new flag, so I removed the whole thing. A waste of $$$ - I'm done with flags. |
Fold Down Antenna Mount Flag Pole w/Flag for Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: BB52713, SKU: BB52713
2 Stars
There was one of these on my bike when I bought it. I had no problems with it (always tight) so I bought another for the second antenna. Had no problem mounting it, except that the jam nut stayed on the top part of the antenna, instead of the bottom section as indicated in the instructions. Took me about 20 minutes to install with some trial and error to get it just right. However, it constantly came loose and needed to be tightened every time I get off the bike. Shortly after mounting the second pole, I noticed the chrome starting to peel on the original. Got tired of tightening the second one, so I took it off and used the pole to replace the chromeless one. So now I'm back to one flagpole. Too pricey for the quality ($60+!!), and I can't recommend this product. |
5 Stars
One word - "WOW!" Easy to install, and look great. Buy 'em - you'll love 'em! |
Ergo II Highway Pegs for GL1800 Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: KU4056, SKU: KU4056
3 Stars
I found these very easy to install, although, as some other reviews have said, you need SAE tools (on a metric bike?). Also going to the Kuryakyn website helped, finding instructions there that were cleared than those included with the product. When I opened the box though, I noticed that one of the foot rests have "spider-like" greyish lines all over the chrome. The beginnings of peeling? I hope not. Also, I wish the description on the website would include more detail, such as fitment for the rider. I'm 6' tall, and I likely would have opted for the model with shorter arms than these have (to fit taller riders). {Note: more of a criticism of the website than the product itself. Or perhaps my lack of thorough research on the product.) I haven't had these on the bike long enough to vouch for their longevity... that will have to wait for a later review (after this riding season perhaps). |
Kuryakyn Chrome Floorboards w/Heel Shifter
ITEM CODE: KU4038, SKU: KU4038
5 Stars
These arrived yesterday, and I just finished installing them - took about an hour, only because I check and double check everything, and I try to be real careful. Tested them out on the property here, and because I'm not a seasoned rider, I had no trouble with the "new" way of shifting. Easy to put on (with the right tools), and so far, I'm happy with them. A couple of issues with the instructions (yes, I did get them, plus you can download the PDF file from the manufacturer's web site if you lose yours). Pictures could be clearer (i.e. larger to show detail), and they neglected to tell you a couple of things, but common sense prevailed! All in all, a nice product - made a great bike look even better, and a whole lot more comfortable on long trips! |
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