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Homelink for 2018+ Gold Wing
Not available outside USA
HomeLink system looks fantastic on my Goldwing 2022 DCT Tour. Installation was done within 90 minutes following Fred Harmon's instructions, it was super easy. However; When I got to the final step to connect the 8-pin connector to the bike, I was stunned to find only a 3-pin connector. After much searching on the bike for the 8-pin connector, then searching for answers on the WingStuff sales page (which told me nothing) and Goldwing forums, I finally looked on the HomeLink website only to find that HomeLink is only available in the US - it is not available on Goldwing's in other countries, at least not in Australia. The buttons look great on my console - but they're totally useless. WingStuff, you need to state on your HomeLink sales page that it is NOT available for Goldwing's outside the US. It would have saved me a heap of time, money and disappointment had I known this up front. Hopefully others looking to buy this product outside the US don't fall into the same trap. |
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