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Black 2019 Honda GL1800BD
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Centramatic Wheel Balancers for 2018+ Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: CTMGW100-118, SKU: CTMGW100-118
Anticipating Good Things
Just got these mounted with a new set of tires on a 2019 Goldwing Bagger. I got good miles and no vibration with the old set but am hoping to get more miles as indicated by other riders. First 100 miles feels smooth. I have a 3,500 mile trip later in May so we will see if they make a noticeable difference. They shipped quickly and were a cinch to install. Fingers crossed… |
Centerstand for 2018+ Gold Wing
Standard Centerstand for Non-tour Goldwing
First off let me say this is a well made product that gives me much more flexibility in doing operator level maintenance. It was delivered quickly and went in easily (from the right side - not the left side as recommended in the Honda (not Wingstuff) instructions. The second thing is not a comment on Wingstuff. It is a ping on Honda for selling a 820 pound bike, for the money they charge, without putting on a stock stand. From their standpoint it is an inexpensive addition to a bike. |
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