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We are Patriot Guard Riders and serve for our fallen heroes and their loved ones.
We are Patriot Guard Riders and serve for our fallen heroes and their loved ones.
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State Public School Inspector
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Those who trade liberty for security will have neither.
Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
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Bike 1:
Metalic Black Cherry 2005 Honda 30th Anniversary Gol
Bike 2:
FX crystal blue w/fl 1987 Honda Super Magna
Bike 3:
Cobalt Blue Metalic 2002 Honda Goldwing
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Like wearing headphones
Installed in a full face helmet, the slim speakers fit right into the speaker notches. The soft cushion around the speakers work well to seal off road noise through the helmet. My helmet has a thin plastic ribbon (about 1/2" wide) that lays inward from the bottom edge surrounding the whole helmet. With a little finessing I was able fit the clamp as shown in the instructions without cutting a section of this ribbon out. The fidelity is responsive and sounds great from spoken word to music. I cannot comment on the microphone however, I have several other J&M systems in many helmets from shorties to modular. Every one of them have J&M systems in them and I'm very satisfied with their performance. I would recommend this product. |
Inferno Heated Grips w/E-Z Controller
ITEM CODE: BB17961, SKU: BB17961
Grips are great but...
Bought a set of these because of the reviews. I ride (commute 150 mi.) daily and often in low 30 deg weather. So, I wanted to get a reliable and no nonsense heated grip that I could depend on to work ALL the time. I installed the first set in about 2 hours. Had to purchase glue at the local bike shop as the glue in my set was old and no good. OK, it happens. Got them on, wires tucked in nicely and test run... awesome. Next morning came out, prepped the bike to go in the dark. Oh, did I mention it was COLD? Hit the button with excitement to see all those purdy lights to come on... Nuttin.What? Wait, I must just be doin it wrong. Maybe hold the on button longer... nope. It was a cold ride with a PO'd rider. I beat myself up for not doing something right. When I got home, put the beast in the shop and commenced to checking connections. Hmm all was hot with juice. Finally opened the control unit. (I know, it voids the warranty) Yup, bad controller. OK, it happens. Still not happy though. Got a hold of Wing Stuff and let em know about it. Not even a hesitation. Another set is on the way. No problem, no issue. Bam...Got the 2nd package immediately. Installed the control unit and hey, it worked! For about a week... Same issue, dead. OK well, not doing that again. Wingstuff used to sell a stand alone round rheostat control unit that mounts with a small red jewel led. I purchased one of those and threw the original electronic controller away. That was several years ago. Speaking to the grips, they are wonderful. They heat evenly, and both heat about the same degree so you don't suffer with one hot and the other cold. They are just a bit thicker than stock due to the heating element. The rubber is soft and doesn't loose traction in your gloves. They are easy to hang on to and don't cause any undue fatigue.After years of use, I wore the rubber surface on the first set of grips out. Having a second pair, I replaced them and the 2nd set work just as well as the first. Now, I don't know what has been done with the controller but If you go with another controller, I can say these are great grips. |
ACT-EVO 4T Engine Oil
Proof is in the results
I'm back for more. Just passed 165K on my 30th anniversary '05 GW. This is the only oil I've used since I bought it with under 3k on it. Does it protect against wear? Well, I've NEVER had to add oil between changes. I know Honda builds a first class machine but in order to keep it together, I choose Actevo. The tranny sings a little in first but I'll bet I get 200K out of the awesome beast. I've got nothing but good to say about this product. I change religiously at 4 to 6K miles. And, yes I do feel a difference in shifting after an oil change. Still the original clutch so, I know it protects parts surfaces. And, as usual, Wingstuff get it to me in a hurry."I'll be bock" |
Ergo II Highway Pegs for GL1800 Gold Wing
ITEM CODE: KU4056, SKU: KU4056
Very comfortable but...
These are probably the most adjustable and comfortable highway pegs out there. They safely fold up as required when they meet the highway in a corner. Make sure you use lock tight on the threaded parts, they WILL vibrate loose. (that's a bummer on the freeway at about 80) They look stunning when new. I have several seasons on mine and the rubber still looks new and not worn. Now... the bad news. The chrome looks great for a few months. Then it blisters, chips, stains, dulls and generally looks bad. Kuryakyn will not stand behind their chrome. My wing has 105K mi and looks show room fresh. People are amazed to find out it's an 05. So, it's not for lack of detail. Actually I detail it once a week. I would give these 5 stars if not the the chrome. If you replace them once a year, they'll always look great! |
Duel Duty
Hmmm, these look like RC aircraft axle locks. Why didn't I think of that??? Hope you sell a million! Great idea. |
Avon Cobra Chrome Radial Tires for GL1800
10K on 2nd set so far
Last post was 2/24/10. I got 18K+ out of that set. Re-booted and am around 10K on this set. Back tire is cooperating as expected. Shows center ware but no cupping or cracking. Traction is still awesome over E3s and others I've tried. Love the dynamic balancers. I keep the tires at 43lbs religiously. However, this front tire wants to drift to the left at all speeds and I cannot take both my hands off the bars at all. I was hoping that it was just a mold lip that would ware off. Also went back and re-setup the front axle thinking I may have snugged it out of true but no luck. Showing weird wear signs. I wonder if rubber compound changes from batch to batch? I'll replace the front and keep a close watch on it. FYI I replaced the fork brace with the "super brace" by WingStuff and that removed 90% of any front end wobble that the Wing is famous for. The 5th star will come back if the next front is as good as the 1st one. |
Avon Cobra Chrome Radial Tires for GL1800
5 Stars
Well, since my last post in May 2010 I just passed 10K on the Avons. I'm still very happy with them. Lots of tread left and still stick like glue. Haven't had any cupping or delamination issues at all as stated by others. I really believe the reason is the dynamic balancers I put on when these were new. So they've paid for themselves. A little noisy in the corners now but a small price to pay for the work I'm putting these through. |
Centramatic Stainless Wheel Balancers for GL1800
ITEM CODE: CTMGW100-102, SKU: CTMGW100-102
4 Stars
I installed these along with new Avon Cobra tires and the Super brace on the forks then went on a 2500 mile run. I thought the wing was smooth before, ha. It's almost too smooth to believe it's a motorcycle. Unlike a previous review, I ran up to 125+ with absolutely no adverse issues. The polished stainless enhances the bike when people actually find them after I point them out. I didn't give them 5 stars because, yes you can hear the beads moving around at slower speeds and I haven't had them long enough to actually know if they'll increase tire life. (they should) But, so far I'd say I'm happy that I bought them, although, my wallet's a bit sore. |
Avon Cobra Chrome Radial Tires for GL1800
5 Stars
The search is over. I have used most all the other "popular" brands and all have at least one drawback. I gave these Avons a try and went on a 2500 mile run right out of the box. I routinely drag pegs through the corners so tire confidence is very important to me. They are very quiet and stick like glue. Ruts, seams and laps in the pavement do not even phase these tires so splitting lanes in traffic no longer provides those "exciting" moments when you find a lap or seam in the pavement. I'm sold and will definitely buy these again. I bought the 70 size based on several of the other reviews. Better cornering, speedo is now correct and the bike is MUCH easier to get up on the center stand. I wont go back to the 60. |
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